Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Home Remedies for Dealing with Stained Teeth

Home Remedies for Dealing with Stained Teeth


Smiling is fulfilling and one will be met if he/she has stained teeth. The world will notice and they will not be ready to access if one has the condition. Medical restoration of white teeth is very expensive and beyond reach of many. It is due to this case that one needs to learn about home remedies that are safe to make use of and effective when it comes to stained teeth. Many people are being lied to one the condition that some chemicals are effective and works instantly, but what one needs to learn is that the side effects of these compounds are so dangerous to the whole mouth system.

stained teeth

Home remedies mean that they are naturally occurring hence instead of side effects; other parts of the mouth will benefit. So what are these home remedies?

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on stained teeth

Baking soda mixed with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide creates a substance that is toothpaste like. One is advised not to use much peroxide because it can burn one’s gums. The mixture that has resulted should be used just as the same as regular toothpaste and the results over time is very much convincing.

Other remedies that deals with brown stains on teeth

Strawberries are another excellent home remedy for use when it comes to stained teeth. It is because within strawberry there is naturally occurring agents responsible for teeth whitening. To heal the condition, one is required to take strawberry and rub it against the teeth. One can also mash it up and use it as toothpaste or take the mashed strawberry and mix with a little bit of baking soda for the same use. This fruit has acids and sugars hence it is recommendable to brush the teeth after scrubbing them with strawberry.
Lemon juice with a bit of salt is also essential where to apply it one is required to take a pinch of salt and mix it with the lemon juice from a freshly cut lemon fruit. One should take the mixture and apply it to the teeth and let it sit there for fifteen minutes. Wood ash also is an excellent solution where one is required to treat the teeth by brushing them with the ash. Sounds yucky? Wood ash is identified to contain a bleaching compound, potassium hydroxide useful for getting rid of those stains. One should just mix the ash with a small amount of toothpaste, but it is recommended that it should not often be used because it wears down the outer covering which is the enamel.

More about teeth whitening Perth

Dried and ground orange peels that are mixed with bay leaves gone through the same process is also essential. The mixture can be used by rubbing it on the teeth. There are foods that also promotes white teeth, and they include carrots, pears, celery, and apples. Sugar-free gum also is an excellent remedy for the same stained teeth as well floss. These are home remedies that one can use to bring out the best smile in the world.

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